
Image: Getty/Yagi Studio


Let them eat plant-based cake

By Oliver Morrison

Why is the dairy industry embroiling in a silly battle about the labelling of plant-based alternatives?

Image: Getty/Hinterhaus Productions

Boomer time: Time to target food and beverages at older consumers

By Oliver Morrison

There’s a big opportunity for the food and beverage industry to launch products and ingredients formulated help meet the specific nutritional requirements of older consumers and help them stay healthier for longer, the recent FoodNavigator Positive Nutrition...

One of the sustainability trends gaining increased traction is carbon footprint labelling. GettyImages/Goran13

What do consumers want from sustainable food and drink?

By Flora Southey

Research suggests Europeans are ‘highly motivated’ to buy sustainable food. How can brands best communicate their sustainability credentials to consumers? And amid a cost-of-living crisis, are shoppers willing to pay for it?

Image: Getty/Tatiana

Erythritol and health risk: how much weight is behind the claims?

By Oliver Morrison

Erythritol remains an important tool in long-term weight gain and disease risk, according to the international association representing the low- and reduced-calorie food and beverage industry, after research showed that the popular artificial sweetener...

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